
I’m a mummy to two hungry little bears. Trying to make mealtimes fun, interesting and healthy which is a challenge in itself!!

I started the website as i was having problems with my kids mealtimes especially breakfast. They were chaotic, noisy, hectic. The kids constantly vying for my attention, i was constantly on the back foot trying to think of last minute meals to give my hungry kids…they definitely suffer from being HANGRY! so my husband and I decided to switch things up a bit!

Breakfast was a hardest part for us, they woke up hungry and still half asleep and couldn’t make decisions on what to have for breakfast when i asked them “Would you like toast or cereal”…the response, simply “i don’t know”…sounds simple now but the answer was to stop asking them!!

The answer is obvious and simple…Planning and prepping…By planning a bit, prepping a bit and laying the table the night before for breakfast i have found a complete transformation in how my kids behave at mealtimes.

So now I lay the table the night before and then they have a limited choice of breakfast foods already on the table when they come down and that is their choice and the only choice. Presented in a buffet style they can then choose from a controlled and balanced array of food. From day one of doing this my kids have been different children! They come downstairs and get stuck in to whatever is waiting for them, no tantrums, no decisions and mummy is relaxed and not racing around the kitchen as everything is already done so i have more time with my kids…i can enjoy breakfast with them and even finish a cup of coffee..without having to reheat it 10 times!!!!

My aim continues to be getting big thumbs upĀ from both kids and inspiring other mummies and daddies to excite their own little bears! Offering my kids a limited but balanced and healthy choice through buffet style meals for all the family has completely changed our mealtimes and i hope you’ll find some ideas here which will enhance your family mealtimes too!
